Predictions of technology trends in 2023
2022 is a year full of dynamics. I don't think anyone can predict what will happen. The only constant amid all this change is the important role technology plays in overcoming short-term constraints and realizing long-term opportunities.
Technological innovations that drive human progress move ever faster. With hyperconnectivity spanning multiple cloud and edge environments, we now have data everywhere. In short, data continues to grow not only in quantity, but also in value, every day.
One important thing from all this progress and growth, emerging new hopes. We hope technology will make our lives easier, and make our businesses more successful. We also hope that technology will help us advance in a large number of areas, from education to healthcare to government services and beyond. As a result, we will see that our critical technologies and related user experiences will improve to meet these challenges.
As 2023 approaches, I see four themes that will be at the top of the agenda for CIOs:
Technology will determine the work experience
In the do-anything-from-anywhere economy, the future of work is evolving, and as we design a hybrid world, technology – not physical workspaces – will increasingly define employees' work experiences. These are limitless opportunities to design what's best for you, for your company and your culture.
“From anywhere” was the focus of the first version of “work from anywhere” in the early stages of the COVID pandemic. We take advantage of the mobility afforded by modern PC devices to take our work, school, and life wherever we need it.
Next is how “work” can be a better focus. We need the right tools and equipment, the right workspace for collaboration, and the right culture to make work work.
The needs of a student are different from those of a doctor, teacher, engineer or data scientist. We now know that having the right PC capabilities and form factor, and of course the right peripheral ecosystem, will create a complete environment for success. We see investing in advanced display technology has dramatically increased the effectiveness of remote software development. We've also seen how better audio and video capabilities have made a dramatic difference in distance learning. A personalized and optimized environment can provide a completely different user experience.
As a result, users' expectations of seamless connectivity to connect people-to-others, connecting people to the data, applications and services they need, will increase. After all, technology is the cornerstone of progress, from building culture to driving innovation to serving customers. So no matter what approach companies take to the job of the future, technology will define the most modern work experience.
Closed platforms will disintegrate into technology ecosystems
The global technology industry is huge and growing every day. The good news is that there is no shortage of innovations to address the vast business opportunities. But on the other hand, with every new aspect of innovation, companies have to deal with various complexities and complexities.
For example, in the early days of the cloud, most companies eventually adopted multiple cloud platforms - public, private, edge, and even telecom clouds to power their business. This "multiple cloud" stage opens up great access to innovation within each cloud, but the formation of silos and duplication of data is inevitable. Cloud silos are like closed platforms. In 2022, we will start to see the industry shift to a truly “multicloud” architecture. This architecture leverages whatever cloud computing services you adopt but also focuses on transforming critical capabilities “horizontally” across any multicloud environment. An example is storage and data as a common service that can be accessed by all cloud environments that you implement. Multicloud edge capabilities are being deployed, and cyber resilience and cyber vault technologies are already horizontal competencies across all clouds. In fact the focus of Zero Trust security is ensuring the multicloud security architecture is a common horizontal service, not a group of isolated services.
One other interesting thing is the digital transformation of communication networks. We expect wider adoption of virtualization, software-based architectures, open systems and open interfaces with the early adoption of concept technologies such as Open RAN. While Dell is working directly with the telco sector to make this happen, indirectly every company's digital transformation should benefit from greater openness and faster innovation in our communications systems.
In 2023, we hope the acceleration of innovation will focus on making the entire technology ecosystem work as a single platform for your digital transformation. In addition, we think companies will rely on technology that provides flexibility and open access to innovation, as well as partners who can coordinate all complexities into an automated work system.
The reason – no single solution, platform or provider can fulfill all the “promises” of technology benefits. This means that the “closed platform” of the “closed” ecosystem will collapse. Artificial intelligence (AI) is about to reach an inflection point For years, we have talked about the potential of artificial intelligence (AI). 2023 will be a year where the use of AI and machine learning will accelerate. We have the tools and software systems to make this happen. We have amassed a significant amount of data sets. We have also invested in training across almost all industries so that our teams can move from experiments to real-world AI projects.
At Dell, we've embarked on this journey and currently have approximately 1,000 projects, products or endeavors focused on using AI to move our business forward. We see our customers doing the same, and in 2023 we will start to see the real impact of AI/ML.
This means we also need more infrastructure optimized for these heavy workloads. Currently, advanced servers and storage to support AI have done all of the work for customers, but in 2023, there will be more accelerated chip suites coming to market, associated with increased performance and efficiency.
We also need simpler ways to share data between clouds, so that training and inference activities can be distributed. In fact, it is estimated that by 2025, 88% of servers for AI workloads deployed at the edge will be used for not only data inference and distribution, but AI/ML data processing has also started.
Companies tapping into the second wave of AI will see a distinct competitive advantage as AI is able to better understand, learn, and reason – and give developers and data scientists more freedom to build applications and deliver results. Enterprises can improve productivity and efficiency, cut power requirements, and accelerate multicloud and edge strategies. As the industry grows, AI will also become more democratic as open-source AI becomes more prevalent and accessible to the wider community.
Momentum will accelerate the Zero Trust architecture
The digital transformation of the global economy has significantly increased the potential for cyberattack entry points. The absence of a strong perimeter creates greater risk to a company's data and supply network and related matters. Currently, ransomware attacks are the #1 threat to most enterprises, occurring every 11 seconds and causing US$13 million in losses per occurrence.
As more of our global customers transform their security strategies, many are turning to Zero Trust architectures to better protect their IT environment. The three main principles of Zero Trust are actually not that difficult – continuous universal authentication for everything; behavior driven by strong authoritative policies; and highly integrated threat management.
The real challenge is the current state of the industry and technology that makes Zero Trust integration and design too complex for most customers. Our job is to lighten that burden and simplify the process. Activities include assessing a company's current state and providing actionable insights to refine their cybersecurity program and align it with Zero Trust. Through continuous development plans, best practices and standardization, we can make Zero Trust adoption quicker and easier. Ultimately, Zero Trust will be the basis for a new level of data security and trust in a multi-cloud world that is highly distributed because everything is connected.
Here's a list I have in mind for next year, but there is one thing 2022 has taught us, and that is how hard it is to predict the future. Undoubtedly, 2023 will be full of uncertainties and surprises. But as a tech optimist, I believe innovation will drive tremendous progress. And I can't wait to see what the future holds.
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